00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Calling all 11 + Parents!
What if there WAS  still a way to improve your child's chances 
in this year's demanding round of 11+ school interviews?  What if  they could still improve - despite all the fierce competition 
and limited time?

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help your child 

interview like...


11+ school interview  

90-min power session!

A friendly and supportive session which TRANSFORMS  wary 10-11 year olds with limited interview experience into confident and  articulate, well-prepared candidates.  
Boost their chances!

There's STILL time to prepare them and make a huge difference to their oral confidence, ability to handle questions and overall fluency. How?

 The 11+ exams are upon us...but have you thought about the interviews which follow right after them? Hampton School, for example, might invite students for theirs as early as the week beginning November 29th - only days after their exam...

Up to half of those invited for interviews will not be offered a place. Interviews are a key part of the school selection processes and there is so little time to prepare. 

So much is riding on the interview. It’s basically the second part of the entrance exam for many of the top schools; it’s a KEY ASSESSMENT ELEMENT

It is NOT a friendly chat which doesn’t really make much difference. That interview matters. Yikes! It’s in a few weeks at most!

What if there WAS a way to still improve your child's chances in this year's round of demanding school interviews? Despite the fierce competition and limited time?

There's STILL a chance to boost their chances.  Seize this opportunity to prepare them and make a huge difference to their oral confidence, question-handling skills and fluency.  How?

Firstly:  work our which is your child's 'interview block'...

BlOCK N° 1


Remember that these students are very young. They lack our experience of the world and our ability to read social signals and cues in sophisticated ways. The nervousness can reveal itself in different ways: some children panic and talk too much, ‘talking over’ the interviewer and failing to listen to questions. Others freeze and ‘go quiet’, stammer or even forget their answer mid-flow. They fail to really open up, ‘showcase’ their true skills and show their interviewer exactly what they have to offer. Interviewers cannot reward what they don’t see. Tragically, the child ‘sells themselves short’ and, in a highly competitive field, they get overlooked.



Perhaps your child benefits from dual nationality? They could speak and write in a different language at home to the Standard English spoken and taught within the target school. It's harder for Mum and Dad to help. That has to be really hard, right? Bilingual students have SO many strengths. It takes major brain power to be able to switch in and out of the grammar and language of two separate cultures! Determination and a superb attitude both count for a lot. But…that English interview is scheduled. The child must pass it. What if there was a way to pre-learn useful phrases to take the pressure off a little? Or rehearse answers a few times to build confidence and reduce that time delay of ‘hunting to find the right word?’ How do we get your kids to that next level of achievement?

Block N° 3


Both prep and state junior schools are very busy places. Their priority is to address the overall education; to improve each child’s academic, physical and mental strengths. Which is great! However, although most children will only face one or two important interviews right at the end of their junior school careers, they are very important ones! Oracy is just as important as literacy. Not enough school reinforcement of listening, speaking and ‘on the spot’ answering skills means that your child may be very good on paper but is not necessarily ‘interview ready.’ They are probably not being set regular oracy targets, reinforced through school one-to-ones and pinpointed homework. For the 10 and 11 plus interviews, the main 'homework' is researching their own, individualised answers, planning, and regular practice with an experienced interviewer like myself. Schools do not have the time to accommodate this and the general view seems to be that a child should just be able to ‘do it well on the day.’ Kids need clear targets to action so they can be fully interview-ready. They need to know how to prepare and how to present themselves at their best.

I often think that the final English 11+ interview stage is more 
nerve-wracking for the parents than it is for their children!

I admire your commitment to your children, your entire 11+ marathon and the struggles you face. I get it!

Lots of kids hate public speaking.  They are not all plucky little chatterboxes.  Others answer questions without focus or really listening to the question being asked. Consequently, some may have limited or unprepared oral expression which puts them at a disadvantage in an interview situation.

Then there’s the uniquely difficult skill of the school interview itself. You can’t ‘cram’ for it; you have to think deeply about a range of possible subjects they might ask your child.  Prepare step by step - you can't 'wing' an interview.

Additionally, timed interview responses are also assess the  student's general knowledge,  ability to discuss ideas or relate an unseen image to their own understanding of world issues. Does your child know where to find a certain country on a map? Or who the UK Prime Minister is?  Or the name of the leader of the Opposition?  How about the U.S President?  Or deeper social and political issues?

What about acquiring an impressive, apt and invigorating repertoire of vocabulary to allow the child to express their ideas in a distinctive style? How can all these elements build your child’s range of expression, their creative writing techniques and distinctive interview voice? Yikes, there’s so much being tested in that interview!

Time is running out. Action needs to be taken if we’re to ensure the children can really do themselves justice in the formal interviews which are now only days away for some schools. Don’t leave it too late as others will do just this, creating pressure on later slot availability.  Very few experienced teachers are offering a dedicated preparation session and study package at present.

Help is at hand with: 
Cassie from Hampton English Coaching!

A  bit about me...

If you're new to me.. I'm Cassie O'Hanlon of Hampton English Coaching. I worked full-time at the prestigious Hampton Boys' School in West London for 14 years and now run my own private English tuition business. in Hampton. I have taught children from age 8 to 18 and specialise in the year 5 and 6 ages, secondary and A level. I love the whole range! 

During my time as a specialist English tutor, I started to see that I was uniquely placed to deliver a solution to these blocks to students’ interview chances in an increasingly competitive arena.

 I coach in small online groups and have helped many children achieve their first choice schools against ferocious competition, win national writing awards and become confident speakers.

What I  can offer your child:

Over the past pandemic months, I  accelerated the way I delivered interview preparation so that I could help a wider range of children at flexible times. I used the  digital resources I had made  to help them get to grips with numerous challenges. They all improved!  They adapted to the tech - and thrived. Many excelled. One secured the English Prize for year 6 at his preparatory school, had his choice of offers and saw his work published. All  gained  confidence-boosting creative writing prizes and saw huge improvements in overall literacy and oracy.  They  began their year 7 terms at  schools including: Tiffin Boys’, Tiffin Girls’, LEH, Wycombe Abbey, and St Paul's.

This is what inspired me to create my ‘Interview Like A Ninja!’ 90 min session. The 'Interview Like a Ninja!’ session is designed to give students an intensive walk-through, a typical 11+ final stage interview used by leading HMC, GSA and independent schools. I show students how to break down the questions, focus on the tasks, overcome ‘clamming up’, prepare ahead so that their voice really stands out and, most importantly of all: get talking!

Due to high demand, I am painfully aware that I can no longer tutor as many children face to face as I would like. However, this online session will definitely give your child a greater understanding of the interview skills and  - if all goes well on the day - boost their selection chances.

Here’s The Truth: 

If you’re keen for your child to progress AND attain their first choice school offers this year, you need to address the gaps in their interview skills before it's too late. 
There IS still time - but we need to move fast.

I have the experience to help your child excel; I worked at the prestigious Hampton Boys’ School in south-west London for 14 years and I marked their own 11+ compositions and comprehensions throughout this entire period. 

I conducted rigorous entrance and scholarship interviews over this 14- year period as well, giving detailed feedback to the superb Admissions team. I can point you to a long track record of successfully helping 10+, 11+, 12+ and 13+ boys 'get into' Hampton, St Paul's, Reed’s, King’s College School, Wellington, Kingston Grammar and many other top schools. While I won’t give away any specific school ‘secrets’, I have a complete and detailed understanding of what makes a top interview performance for both Hampton and all the other leading UK schools. Information is power!

Rest assured that your son or daughter will be safe and in very capable hands. I have years of experience and knowledge to draw from.
Just as importantly, I genuinely enjoy teaching this age group. They have had a particularly tough time in schools over the past year and a half. This bootcamp is my attempt to even up the odds for all of them so that they all have a decent shot.

Get the step-by-step training to help your child ‘Interview Like a Ninja’ 
for just £125!

Main Coaching Session Schedule: 10-11.30 am Sunday November 28th.

Training 1: ​Clear all obstacles troubleshooting and focus guides for planning, sequencing and great interview technique (£250 Value)

Training 2: 'What makes you unique?’ Helping students plan and prepare key elements of the interview grilling! (£30 Value)

​Training 3: How to react and respond well to an interview prompt task, image or ‘super-tricky question’ and sample answers you could use  (£80 Value)

Training 4: Final tips and targets for the students (£70 Value)

BONUS: Suggestions and tips for the 'favourite books' section (£30 value)

​​BONUS: Sample answers discussed in the group and in the chat section of Zoom to consolidate knowledge (£70 value)

​​BONUS: A Fill-in-the-Blank interview targets setter (£10 Value)

Snag over £500 in value - for only £125!

Our Session Outline

sunday 28th november 

10.00-11.30 am

Meet and greet the new ninjas!

I explain my teaching approach and underline the importance of planning and thinking on the spot in order to ace those interviews.  There will also be a chance for niggles and questions to be answered with a quick 
Q & A session.
Be a real ninja warrior, grab your pens, clear the obstacles and face your interviewing fears and  foes. This main part of the session will guide students through the general expectations of a typical interview, underline the importance of planning, for key sections, run through typical questions, alert students to common errors and advise on 'how not ' to answer some questions. Sample answers provided orally.   I will also do work on stress management and suggest how to adopt a positive growth mindset to maintain focus. We’ll work through a sample interview  image prompt, brainstorm answers and discuss trickier questions.
By this time, the students will - hopefully! - feel a lot happier and more confident about the whole concept of an interview.  They will realise  what's actually involved and which areas they need to address.  They will have just enough time to do so. There will also be time to  ask them to share the targets they have identified as needing the most preparation and extra  attention.  Those students who are also participating in the VIP programme will be able to build on these areas in the one-to-one Zoom calls.
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

Get the step-by-step training to g help your child write 11+ English stories like an A* Ninja - for just £125!

When you sign up for this sensational high-kicking, punch-packing session, you'll get all this:
  • Training 1: A thorough 90 minute session which guides students through all the likely interview questions they might face in typical school interviews. (£250 value)
  • ​Training 2:   Questions and answers to reassure students (£30 Value)
  • ​​Training 3: How to react and respond well to an interview prompt task, image or ‘super-tricky question’ and sample answers you could use            (£80 value)
  • ​Training 4: Final tips and targets for the students (£70 Value)
  • BONUS: Suggestions and tips for the 'favourite books' section (£30 value)
  • ​BONUS: Sample answers discussed in the group and in the chat section of Zoom to consolidate knowledge (£70 value)
  • ​​BONUS: A Fill-in-the-Blank interview targets setter (£10 Value) 

Snag over £500 in value...
...for just £125!  
You don't need to be an A*  scholar to see the wisdom in taking up THIS offer!

If you're still not sure that you can believe in this great course and how it can help your child… here’s my guarantee: 

We 100% guarantee that you will love this bootcamp. 

If you feel like you haven't gained at least 10X the value of your investment (high-quality content, ideas and instructions) we will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email us by 10:30am GMT on November 28th for a full refund. 

Sound fair?

Why I love what I do:

Lockdown NEVER meant slowdown throughout 2020-2021 here at HAMPTON ENGLISH COACHING!

Over the past year, my students have been working harder than ever.  They've improved their planning, editing and redrafting.  They have become far more confident.  Eight won creative writing competitions on subjects as diverse as magical woodlands and haunted houses of horror, Sherlock Holmes retold to a re-telling of the 'Little Red Riding Hood' fable. Have a look at my Instagram page: @hamptonenglishcoaching.  
This young man is a very talented young writer.  Along with another fantastic student I coach, he was a top shortlisted winners in a 'Young Writers' competition and received an awesome goody box!  Well done!

My system works - but don’t take it from me. Here’s what the parents of my previous students say:

"Our daughter has become an accomplished public speaker!"
Cassie has really helped our daughter master the art of debating and public speaking.  This is a demanding skill and our daughter was coping well but needed a bit of advice with delivery, redrafting the ideas and practising.  By the end of her sessions,  she was brimming with confidence.  Laura went on to win a cup for her school's public speaking competition and has a very strong, confident voice.  It is such a life skill and it is great to see her doing so well."

Rene, Richmond, London

"I thoroughly recommend Cassie for exam preparation and supporting a child to obtain the best result"

"I found Cassie through Google and her teaching is excellent! Cassie has tutored my Year 6 son and prepared him for the 11+ private school and Grammar under a year. I am so pleased that he received 2 interviews from Latymer and Hampton Boys School. He also passed the Berkshire grammar  school tests and  stage 2 of Tiffin Boys'.  He then gained his school's English academic prize at the end of year 6, which was all fantastic!
Cassie is a brilliant, experienced and inspirational tutor. She is very patient; she gave clear concise information to my son, helping him to develop his  writing skills. She prepared my son extremely well for his exams. She understood my son's strengths and weakness and 'bespoked' her tuition accordingly . My son really enjoyed his lessons and is now far more confident as a person. 
Cassie not only is excellent at teaching English - she has also prepared my son for his 3 gruelling interviews this month. This enhanced coaching has enabled my son's confidence to excel. 
I thoroughly recommend Cassie - for exam preparation and supporting a child to obtain the best result. Cassie also supports parents with her follow-up development feedback. If you're looking for a professional teacher with high standards and who cares about your child progress, CASSIE is your lady.  THANK YOU, Cassie , for all your help and kindness. "

Ranju, South West London

" I passed both stages of my Tiffin Boys' exam. I was so pleased to have scored highly in the English!"

Cassie is enthusiastic, making reading fun and her lessons easy to follow. I gained so many new exam tips and got over my time management problem. I ended up with several offers to choose from...and I passed both stages of my Tiffin Boys' exam. I was so pleased to have scored highly in the English!

Harry, Student, Kingston-Upon-Thames

" He is more articulate in his writing and happier in himself. "

"Before coming for weekly lessons with Cassie, my dyslexic son Jacob hated all types of reading and was a bit quiet. We knew he was bright, but his written work showed several weaknesses. In a state academy with large class sizes, he hardly got any one to one. 
After regular tutoring, he grew far more confident. His handwriting became clearer, essays were longer and better structured ... what a difference! A high point was Jacob seeing his school English grades rise considerably last term. He is more articulate in his writing and happier in himself. These days, Jacob will read without being nagged! He and his tutor obviously 'clicked'. Thanks for all your help."

Lucy, Parent, Hampton

"She came through for us."

This wonderful tutor managed to coach my son Freddy through the KGS and Hampton 10+ with only four months of preparation. Originally, we had never considered the 10+ route, but we bowed to her expertise and thank God we did -Fred got an offer!

 Equally impressive was the tuition she gave to our older son, George, who had previously failed his 11+ and had clear areas of weakness. He entered for the 12+, which has fairly few places, and managed to secure an offer. She is a patient and supportive teacher who works with both gifted and less able students. She came through for us.

Olivia, Parent, Esher 

"We are so proud of what they both  achieved."

We arrived in London from China in order to take up new jobs and be nearer to family.
They was falling behind in their English. After only a few months, they were far more confident, had an excellent English accent, and was writing secure compositions.
We are so proud of what they both achieved. They went on to secure a place at a top London preparatory school and our son will start Hampton in a few year's time.

Yan, Parent, Kingston-Upon-Thames

"Now I include loads more detail in my stories."

Comprehensions seemed boring and so hard. I was facing the London entrance exams and wasn't sure how to improve. I now find them quite easy as we worked through them together - I sort of got over my fears! I also avoided  writing  planning stories but have got much better at this.  Now I include loads more detail in my stories.  Cassie helped me to become more confident and to enter writing competitions.  I won a national award with 'Young Writers' and was so pleased with all my new books!

Devan, 11+ candidate

Have a burning question?

 Here’s what’s come up for

 other bootcampers:

I haven't started intensive 11+ interview preparation yet but my I like the look of this mini-course. Is this for me?
Totally! This power session is aimed at those looking to improve their 11+ interview performance BUT it is also suitable for students applying  for next year at 10+ or 11+ level.  Every child develops at a different rate and I've achieved great successes with the younger students, many of whom went on to  gain scholarship places. 
Where is this happening?
I deliver live Zoom calls to small groups and as I am dedicated to helping you and your child you need to attend live as no replays are included as standard, you will have the option to purchase a replay.  
Will this help my child overall?
Yes it will.  One interesting side effect of support with interview technique is that the children do gain in overall confidence, oracy and social awareness.  They often become far stronger interview candidates with more 'to talk about' as their increased confidence seems to have a wider benefit on their overall well-being. They feel more in contrrol of the exam process.
Why aren't they all one to one?
I do offer one to one individual interview practice, tips and techniques via the VIP. There is an option to upgrade to this experience.  VIP gives an even more personalised interview preparation service with bespoke feedback, precise preparation tips and targets and full replay of the sessions.
Why is it so cheap to join?
You're right...maybe I should increase the price?  But in all seriousness, as explained earlier, I believe the information in this bootcamp should be made available to every 11+ student (no matter their situation), which is why the ticket price is so affordable. With that being said, I can't confirm if the price will stay this low in the future or even if the course will continue after I recommend you take advantage of it while you can.

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide.

Here’s the brutal truth about the tough 11+ or 11+ style entrance exam system: nothing changes if nothing changes.

 If you're sick and tired of trying to support them with their interview techniques, yet see your child is still not getting the higher results...

If you've ever thought "I thought he'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're concerned that your child has a confidence block which school hasn't properly identified and are worried that time is running out....

If you fear that your bright, lovely child with so much to offer secondary school is...gulp...getting fed up with the last but most important part of the preparation.

Then I have to be straight with you: They're falling behind if they're not in this session.

Because 'winging it' and hoping it all works out is a sure-fire way to stay stuck and struggling. And these kids have so much potential. They deserve better than that.

So...are you IN?
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